details: 'shit team check turncoats side'

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General information

Mini Map


team 1
Random» OrcKaotic_Krogan (purple | 45 APM | 1122 actions | 24:44)
Hero icon 6 Blademaster
Ability icon 3 Wind Walk
Ability icon 2 Critical Strike
Ability icon 1 Bladestorm

» actions
Assign group hotkey15
Basic commands5
Build / train63
Enter build submenu28
Enter hero's abilities submenu6
Give item / drop item2
Right click567
Select / deselect291
Select group hotkey69
Use ability76
1122 total
» units
Troll Headhunter/Berserker13
36 total
» upgrades
Ranged Weapons2
Troll Regeneration1
Berserker Upgrade1
Shaman Training2
Melee Weapons2
12 total
» buildings
Altar of Storms1
Orc Burrow11
War Mill1
Voodoo Lounge2
Great Hall2
Spirit Lodge1
Watch Tower3
26 total
» build order
00:10 Barracks
00:15 Altar of Storms
00:27 Orc Burrow
01:17 War Mill
01:48 Orc Burrow
03:00 Orc Burrow
03:41 Voodoo Lounge
04:54 Stronghold
04:57 Orc Burrow
05:01 Voodoo Lounge
08:50 Great Hall
09:01 Fortress
11:23 Great Hall
11:43 Spirit Lodge
11:48 Orc Burrow
12:49 Watch Tower
12:52 Watch Tower
13:14 Watch Tower
14:41 Beastiary
14:57 Beastiary
16:48 Orc Burrow
16:51 Orc Burrow
16:57 Orc Burrow
17:51 Orc Burrow
17:53 Orc Burrow
21:46 Orc Burrow
» items
Healing Salve2
Scroll of Town Portal3
Orb of Lightning1
6 total
Random» (orange | 65 APM | 1604 actions | 24:38)
Hero icon 5 Paladin
Ability icon 3 Holy Light
Ability icon 2 Devotion Aura

» actions
Assign group hotkey32
Basic commands101
Build / train60
Enter build submenu24
Enter hero's abilities submenu6
Give item / drop item4
Remove unit from queue2
Right click565
Select / deselect356
Select group hotkey373
Use ability81
1604 total
» units
Spell Breaker4
Dragonhawk Rider3
33 total
» upgrades
Sorceress Training2
Animal War Training1
10 total
» buildings
Altar of Kings1
Lumber Mill1
Scout Tower1
Arcane Tower1
Arcane Vault1
Arcane Sanctum2
Gryphon Aviary2
24 total
» build order
00:13 Altar of Kings
00:16 Barracks
00:23 Farm
00:33 Farm
01:42 Lumber Mill
01:58 Farm
02:10 Scout Tower
02:48 Arcane Tower
03:04 Arcane Vault
03:39 Farm
04:12 Farm
04:46 Farm
04:51 Blacksmith
05:27 Keep
07:31 Farm
08:16 Arcane Sanctum
08:18 Arcane Sanctum
08:23 Castle
09:44 Farm
11:42 Farm
15:06 Gryphon Aviary
15:35 Gryphon Aviary
17:50 Farm
21:05 Workshop
» items
Scroll of Town Portal3
Scroll of Regeneration1
Lesser Clarity Potion1
Orb of Fire1
6 total
OrcTowered.Coward (teal | 43 APM | 1394 actions | 32:45)
Hero icon 7 Blademaster
Ability icon 3 Wind Walk
Ability icon 3 Critical Strike
Ability icon 1 Bladestorm

» actions
Assign group hotkey36
Basic commands180
Build / train61
Enter build submenu44
Enter hero's abilities submenu7
Give item / drop item12
Remove unit from queue2
Right click519
Select / deselect299
Select group hotkey128
Use ability106
1394 total
» units
Troll Batrider5
Wind Rider2
28 total
» upgrades
Reinforced Defenses1
Ranged Weapons3
Envenomed Spears1
Liquid Fire1
9 total
» buildings
Orc Burrow6
Altar of Storms1
Voodoo Lounge1
War Mill3
Great Hall3
Watch Tower32
53 total
» build order
00:13 Orc Burrow
00:53 Altar of Storms
00:54 Barracks
01:12 Orc Burrow
02:36 Stronghold
03:27 Voodoo Lounge
03:49 War Mill
04:32 Orc Burrow
05:33 Beastiary
05:33 Beastiary
05:39 Orc Burrow
07:37 War Mill
08:57 Great Hall
09:00 Watch Tower
09:00 Watch Tower
09:00 Watch Tower
09:01 Watch Tower
09:04 Watch Tower
09:05 Watch Tower
09:06 Watch Tower
09:07 Watch Tower
11:05 Watch Tower
11:07 Fortress
12:52 Watch Tower
12:52 Watch Tower
12:53 Watch Tower
12:53 Watch Tower
12:54 Watch Tower
14:44 Beastiary
14:46 Beastiary
15:57 Watch Tower
15:59 Watch Tower
18:17 Great Hall
18:22 Watch Tower
18:23 Watch Tower
18:23 Watch Tower
18:24 Watch Tower
18:24 Watch Tower
18:25 Watch Tower
18:25 Watch Tower
18:28 Watch Tower
20:36 Orc Burrow
24:19 War Mill
24:30 Great Hall
24:34 Watch Tower
24:34 Watch Tower
24:35 Watch Tower
24:35 Watch Tower
24:37 Watch Tower
24:37 Watch Tower
24:38 Watch Tower
24:39 Watch Tower
26:12 Orc Burrow
» items
Healing Salve4
Periapt of Vitality1
Potion of Healing1
Lesser Clarity Potion3
Potion of Mana1
Scroll of Town Portal1
Orb of Lightning1
12 total
Random» OrcsD.LiViNgEaSy (blue | 48 APM | 1579 actions | 32:35)
Hero icon 2 Blademaster
Ability icon 1 Mirror Image
Ability icon 1 Critical Strike
Hero icon 2 Tauren Chieftain
Ability icon 1 War Stomp
Ability icon 1 Endurance Aura
Hero icon 3 Shadow Hunter
Ability icon 2 Healing Wave
Ability icon 1 Hex

» actions
Assign group hotkey5
Basic commands90
Build / train104
ESC pressed31
Enter build submenu45
Enter hero's abilities submenu7
Give item / drop item1
Remove unit from queue1
Right click398
Select / deselect324
Select group hotkey455
Use ability118
1579 total
» units
Kodo Beast3
Wind Rider7
Troll Batrider14
79 total
» upgrades
Ranged Weapons2
Reinforced Defenses1
War Drums Damage Increase1
Envenomed Spears1
Liquid Fire2
8 total
» buildings
Orc Burrow11
War Mill3
Altar of Storms4
Watch Tower8
Voodoo Lounge2
Great Hall7
40 total
» build order
00:21 Orc Burrow
00:36 War Mill
01:05 Altar of Storms
01:48 Watch Tower
01:59 Watch Tower
03:46 Stronghold
03:50 Watch Tower
03:52 Watch Tower
04:02 Voodoo Lounge
04:05 Orc Burrow
04:07 Orc Burrow
05:04 Orc Burrow
06:07 Fortress
06:17 Watch Tower
06:47 Watch Tower
07:15 Beastiary
07:17 Beastiary
07:28 Orc Burrow
10:42 Orc Burrow
13:16 War Mill
19:47 Great Hall
20:21 Great Hall
23:49 War Mill
24:50 Great Hall
25:40 Altar of Storms
26:04 Great Hall
26:38 Orc Burrow
26:41 Orc Burrow
27:11 Stronghold
27:14 Altar of Storms
27:17 Orc Burrow
27:42 Great Hall
27:53 Orc Burrow
27:58 Voodoo Lounge
28:02 Watch Tower
28:08 Watch Tower
28:24 Orc Burrow
29:33 Great Hall
29:37 Altar of Storms
32:23 Great Hall
» items
Potion of Healing1
Tiny Great Hall1
2 total
team 2
Random» Humanbounty_hunter (red | 58 APM | 980 actions | 16:59)
Hero icon 5 Blood Mage
Ability icon 3 Flame Strike
Ability icon 2 Siphon Mana

» actions
Assign group hotkey10
Build / train48
Enter build submenu16
Enter hero's abilities submenu5
Right click651
Select / deselect206
Select group hotkey9
Use ability35
980 total
» units
Gryphon Rider10
29 total
» upgrades
Lumber Harvesting2
Animal War Training1
Storm Hammers1
10 total
» buildings
Altar of Kings1
Lumber Mill1
Gryphon Aviary2
17 total
» build order
00:06 Altar of Kings
00:08 Farm
00:44 Barracks
01:08 Farm
01:47 Blacksmith
02:06 Farm
02:14 Lumber Mill
02:59 Farm
04:15 Keep
04:58 Farm
05:46 Farm
07:04 Castle
07:31 Gryphon Aviary
07:51 Farm
08:49 Gryphon Aviary
09:34 Farm
10:14 Farm
» items
Scroll of Town Portal1
1 total
Random» Undeadsuper_doosh (yellow | 49 APM | 696 actions | 14:04)
Hero icon 3 Death Knight
Ability icon 2 Death Coil
Ability icon 1 Unholy Aura

» actions
Assign group hotkey12
Basic commands1
Build / train47
Enter build submenu11
Enter hero's abilities submenu3
Remove unit from queue1
Right click229
Select / deselect149
Select group hotkey221
Use ability22
696 total
» units
Crypt Fiend9
27 total
» upgrades
Creature Attack2
Creature Carapace2
5 total
» buildings
Altar of Darkness1
Tomb of Relics1
Nerubian Tower1
Halls of the Dead1
Spirit Tower6
Sacrificial Pit1
18 total
» build order
00:13 Graveyard
00:23 Ziggurat
00:33 Altar of Darkness
01:13 Crypt
01:28 Tomb of Relics
01:48 Ziggurat
02:03 Nerubian Tower
03:26 Halls of the Dead
03:45 Spirit Tower
04:56 Ziggurat
06:04 Spirit Tower
08:30 Ziggurat
09:43 Spirit Tower
09:48 Sacrificial Pit
12:36 Ziggurat
13:34 Spirit Tower
» items
Rod of Necromancy1
1 total
NightElfBIRAM (pink | 31 APM | 536 actions | 17:06)
Hero icon 2 Demon Hunter
Ability icon 1 Immolation
Ability icon 1 Mana Burn

» actions
Assign group hotkey2
Basic commands6
Build / train70
ESC pressed20
Enter build submenu33
Enter hero's abilities submenu2
Give item / drop item1
Right click173
Select / deselect176
Select group hotkey1
Use ability51
536 total
» units
Druid of the Talon12
52 total
» upgrades
Druid of the Talon Training1
1 total
» buildings
Moon Well6
Tree of Ages1
Ancient of Wind3
Altar of Elders1
Ancient of Wonders1
Tree of Eternity1
Tree of Life1
Ancient of War1
Hunter's Hall1
Arcane Tower2
18 total
» build order
00:45 Moon Well
01:45 Moon Well
02:41 Moon Well
03:11 Tree of Ages
03:43 Moon Well
04:52 Moon Well
05:08 Moon Well
05:43 Ancient of Wind
05:48 Ancient of Wind
05:54 Ancient of Wind
06:09 Altar of Elders
07:08 Ancient of Wonders
07:26 Tree of Eternity
10:49 Tree of Life
11:39 Ancient of War
14:37 Hunter's Hall
16:58 Arcane Tower
17:00 Arcane Tower
» items
Lesser Clarity Potion3
Orb of Fire1
Ivory Tower3
Potion of Healing2
9 total
HumanPaIadin (green | 114 APM | 3737 actions | 32:46)
Hero icon 9 Archmage
Ability icon 3 Summon Water Elemental
Ability icon 3 Brilliance Aura
Ability icon 2 Blizzard
Ability icon 1 Mass Teleport
Hero icon 3 Death Knight
Ability icon 2 Unholy Aura
Ability icon 1 Death Coil
Hero icon 3 Demon Hunter
Ability icon 2 Mana Burn
Ability icon 1 Immolation

» actions
Assign group hotkey102
Basic commands147
Build / train185
ESC pressed16
Enter build submenu51
Enter hero's abilities submenu16
Give item / drop item9
Right click1487
Select / deselect405
Select group hotkey1075
Use ability244
3737 total
» units
Gryphon Rider8
Dragonhawk Rider5
Forest Troll Berserker1
36 total
» upgrades
Lumber Harvesting1
Animal War Training1
Storm Hammers1
14 total
» buildings
Altar of Kings1
Arcane Vault1
Scout Tower28
Lumber Mill2
Arcane Tower9
Guard Tower55
Gryphon Aviary2
Town Hall2
Ancient Protector4
Spirit Tower4
129 total
» build order
00:52 Altar of Kings
00:56 Barracks
00:58 Farm
01:03 Farm
01:12 Farm
02:08 Arcane Vault
02:19 Scout Tower
02:22 Lumber Mill
02:26 Scout Tower
02:47 Arcane Tower
02:47 Arcane Tower
02:48 Arcane Tower
03:14 Arcane Tower
03:14 Arcane Tower
04:35 Keep
04:35 Keep
05:07 Blacksmith
07:15 Castle
07:16 Castle
07:18 Scout Tower
07:20 Scout Tower
07:42 Guard Tower
07:43 Guard Tower
07:43 Guard Tower
07:51 Guard Tower
07:51 Guard Tower
07:56 Guard Tower
07:56 Guard Tower
08:05 Farm
08:07 Farm
08:08 Farm
08:11 Farm
08:17 Guard Tower
08:17 Guard Tower
08:17 Guard Tower
08:18 Guard Tower
08:19 Guard Tower
08:19 Guard Tower
09:16 Gryphon Aviary
09:22 Gryphon Aviary
15:27 Town Hall
15:29 Scout Tower
15:30 Scout Tower
15:31 Scout Tower
15:31 Scout Tower
15:56 Guard Tower
15:56 Guard Tower
15:58 Scout Tower
15:58 Scout Tower
15:59 Scout Tower
15:59 Scout Tower
16:00 Guard Tower
16:07 Guard Tower
16:39 Guard Tower
16:39 Guard Tower
16:40 Guard Tower
16:42 Scout Tower
16:45 Scout Tower
16:46 Scout Tower
16:47 Scout Tower
16:49 Scout Tower
16:50 Scout Tower
16:52 Guard Tower
16:52 Guard Tower
17:15 Ziggurat
17:15 Ziggurat
17:16 Ziggurat
17:18 Guard Tower
17:19 Guard Tower
17:27 Ziggurat
17:28 Ziggurat
18:02 Guard Tower
18:03 Guard Tower
18:03 Guard Tower
18:25 Scout Tower
18:25 Scout Tower
18:26 Scout Tower
19:28 Guard Tower
19:28 Guard Tower
19:30 Scout Tower
19:31 Scout Tower
19:37 Lumber Mill
19:47 Ancient Protector
19:51 Ancient Protector
19:52 Ancient Protector
19:53 Ancient Protector
19:55 Spirit Tower
19:55 Spirit Tower
22:55 Guard Tower
22:55 Guard Tower
22:56 Guard Tower
22:56 Guard Tower
22:56 Guard Tower
22:57 Guard Tower
26:41 Town Hall
31:29 Scout Tower
31:29 Scout Tower
31:30 Scout Tower
31:30 Scout Tower
31:34 Scout Tower
31:59 Guard Tower
31:59 Guard Tower
31:59 Guard Tower
» items
Lesser Clarity Potion1
Scroll of Regeneration3
Staff of Teleportation2
Periapt of Vitality1
Ivory Tower8
Tome of Retraining1
Potion of Invisibility1
Potion of Lesser Invulnerability2
Scroll of Town Portal1
Scroll of Healing2
Scroll of Protection1
23 total

Chat log

(00:12 / Allies) bounty_hunter: PALADON IS A LEAVER OR A BSER
(00:17 / Allies) bounty_hunter: HE LEFT LAST GAME IMMEDIATELY
(00:19 / Allies) PaIadin: I am?
(00:25 / Allies) PaIadin: I just didn't like that map
(00:27 / Allies) bounty_hunter: YOU LEFT IMMEDIATELY LAST GAME
(00:36 / Allies) PaIadin: Yeah so what, it wasn't my favourite map
(00:39 / Allies) bounty_hunter: calling it now
(00:41 / Allies) PaIadin: But I sure do love BATTLEGROUNDS!
(00:42 / Allies) super_doosh: fiends
(01:28 / Allies) PaIadin: What's that wisp doing at my base
(01:48 / Allies) PaIadin: Pink sucks
(01:58 / Allies) super_doosh: shit
(02:43 / All) Towered.Coward: You are now aware that blue smells like poop
(02:52 / All) super_doosh: ???
(03:04 / All) Towered.Coward: And yellow's room smells like salt
(03:16 / All) super_doosh: more like sour milk!
(03:38 / All) bounty_hunter: PERFECT!

(05:56 / Allies) bounty_hunter: hit with me
(06:00 / Allies) bounty_hunter: just for a tad

(07:10 / Allies) super_doosh: out
(07:42 / Allies) bounty_hunter: if we had a pink with units that probably wouldve been successful
(07:53 / Allies) PaIadin: Told you he sucks
(07:57 / Allies) super_doosh: stupid bitch!
(08:30 / Allies) bounty_hunter: like wtf pink
(08:31 / Allies) bounty_hunter: how
(08:33 / Allies) bounty_hunter: are you that bad

(10:23 / Allies) bounty_hunter: i need lumber
(10:40 / Allies) bounty_hunter: oh jesus

(12:45 / Allies) bounty_hunter: need your web yellow
(12:59 / Allies) bounty_hunter: cmere
(13:00 / Allies) bounty_hunter: real quick
(13:02 / Allies) bounty_hunter: hit him then b
(13:51 / Allies) bounty_hunter: b
(13:52 / Allies) bounty_hunter: b
(14:08 / Allies) bounty_hunter: wtf
(14:10 / Allies) bounty_hunter: why
(14:28 / Allies) bounty_hunter: my hero wont move?
(14:42 / Allies) PaIadin: it happens after people leave
(14:43 / Allies) PaIadin: it's a bug
(14:50 / Allies) bounty_hunter: keep hitting
(15:19 / All) PaIadin: nice hall placement
(15:20 / All) PaIadin: wtf is that

(19:15 / All) Towered.Coward: smart move orange

(21:54 / All) Towered.Coward: You're a failure, orange

(22:58 / All) gg u win
(23:00 / All) PaIadin: gg
(23:01 / All) hit teal now
(23:01 / All) PaIadin: 1v4
(23:02 / All) he has expo
(23:10 / All) ya teal is a douche
(23:14 / All) kill his expo u win
(23:28 / All) Towered.Coward: Orange attempts to TK, fails
(23:29 / All) teal is in my base
(23:33 / All) has 12 wyv
(23:40 / All) Towered.Coward: then whines because I punish him bad behavior
(24:11 / All) wow you blow green
(24:27 / All) PaIadin: Still raping purple
(24:28 / All) PaIadin: and you
(24:31 / All) PaIadin: and your whole team, buddy
(24:36 / All) gg fags
(24:39 / All) PaIadin: out
(24:40 / All) Kaotic_Krogan: orange ruined game because he tk first
(24:47 / All) PaIadin: lol
(24:52 / All) PaIadin: They are all altqqing fast this time around

(27:26 / All) PaIadin: micro those peons

(31:06 / All) PaIadin: Nice try, orange

(32:08 / All) Towered.Coward: Time to end this shindig
(32:40 / All) PaIadin: Which side getst he loss?
(32:40 / All) Towered.Coward: orange lose
(32:43 / All) PaIadin: k